Brazing Automation Systems
When you work in the automotive, appliances, industrial, aerospace, HVAC, consumer or medical supply industries, your metal forming brazing needs will be specific to your operation, your risk tolerances, your industry standards and your manufacturing specifications.

We are experienced in all forms of metal brazing using flame, induction and convection with solid, paste and gas fluxes. Our expert team includes designers, control engineers, programmers, mechanical engineers and process flow specialists to manage a multitude of variables in a fully automated process.
From manual to fully automated brazing systems, Ehrhardt Automation Systems has the talent and expertise to design robust and reliable systems to your most demanding requirements. Whether you need a turnkey custom automated solution, or a retrofit for your existing operation, Ehrhardt Automation will design, build, test, commission, install and service a custom or retrofit brazing solution for your metal forming needs. Contact us today.
Auto Brazing Machine
Brazing with Liquid Flux
The Ehrhardt Advantage