Heat Exchanger Line HVAC
Customer Challenge
Was outsourcing this product and decided to in-source.

Assembly, Power and Free, Robots, Cart and Offline panel bending Presses Tube Forming, Swage 4-5-6 tube assembly, dimple tooling press
- Parts are automatically fed
- Tube cut to length
- Integrated tube bending operation CNC controlled
- In process tube vision inspection
- Robotic load to dimpling press
- Finished part is loaded to a storage rack to go to assembly
- Assembly Tubes are manually loaded to a pallet and released to the swaging station.
- Component moved to leak test station
- Good parts tested, marked and release to robot, good part conveyor to assembly
- 2 prep cells and heat exchanger assembly cell
- 3 robots with customized End of Arm Tools
- 5 safety zones
- Stainless steel bend tube station
- Dimpling automation cell
Client Result:
Client was able to reduce dependency upon the supply chain and manufacture locally.